
Showing posts from November, 2019


Introduction and origin April Fools’ Day—celebrated on April 1 each year—has been celebrated for several centuries by different cultures, though its exact origins remain a mystery. There are so many stories about how 1 st April came to celebrated as April’s Day, but the most widespread one is about the calendar, In year 1582, Pope Gregory the XII introduced a new calendar, the Gregorian calendar. This calendar started New Year on 1at of January but back then information took time to spread so for a long time many people didn’t know about it or refused to accept the new calendar, These people continued to celebrate New year on 1 st of April. The people who accepted the new calendar now started making fun of these non-believers, eventually the new calendar was accepted world- wide but the pranks stayed on. Ways of celebration- April Fools’ Day traditions include playing hoaxes or practical jokes on others, often yelling “April Fools!” at the end to clue in the subject of the Apri