Health insurance FAQ

Q: What is health insurance? Is this a personal responsibility or a social responsibility?

A: Most of the countries did not give you any protection of health expenses while few do. You should plan according to your country of residence. You can get health insurance quotes from your local insurance agent or health insurance broker.

Q: My existing job comes with a pre-defined health insurance policy. What will happen if i leave this job and take another? I want to keep the current insurance policy as well.

A: Health insurance is given by insurance company and not by employee. Though your employee may be contributing towards it. If your new job is a high paid one you can get negotiate the benefits you are getting.

Q: I had no previous health insurance but now i came to know that i am pregnant. How can i be able to get health insurance and where should i apply for it?

A:Many of Health insurance companies will not offer you insurance as they will take your pregnancy as a pre-existing condition. Better will be apply for medicaid provided by the many state government of the place you live in. They will offer you medicaid and you can get free prenatal care. Ask any family planning clinic of your city for help.

Q: My husband is going to be retired now we want to have an individual health insurance. How could it be possible?

A: Now a days there are lot of health insurance companies are coming with special policies like low cost health insurance, medical health insurance, group health insurance, family health insurance, health insurance plans, travel health insurance and more also for the retired people(45-65 yrs of age). Contact any local health insurance agent who will tell you about the market in your area and can offer you the affordable health insurance which suits your situation.

Q: The health insurance company has not given me the insurance money when my husband got operated and I have to pay all the hospital bills. What must I do?

A: Firstly, read the fineprint very carefully as there are lots of hidden terms and conditions written on the insurance papers. If you still think that you should able to get the insurance then go to consumer court and claim the insurance company. Hope it will work.You may also try speaking to a high official of the company and try posting in local newspapers Columns if the insurance company is not keeping their promises.Its Your right don't give up


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