loan rates

Q: I had taken business loan from my bank. I want to know whether the recent loan interest rates may vary instead of fixed loan rates?

A: Yes, business loan interest rates at the time of the loan getting by you may vary either increase or decrease. It will depend upon the fluctuation of the loan interest rates set by the FRD(Federal Revenue Department). The loan rate can also depends upon your credit score and the bank from which you had taken the loan.

Q: Can someone tell me about what are the loan rates for getting mortgages? Is the loan rate depends upon the FICO score?

A: The mortgage loan rate depends upon your Fico score or say credit score. If your credit score is high then your loan rate will be lower and vice-versa. For more information contact your bank from which you are going to borrow and compare prices and then go with it.Loan rates, mortgage loan rate, loan interest rates, business loan rates


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