Improving your Credit Score using some esay to do daily use tips

Q: If I want to improve my credit score, How long it will take time for my credit score to be improved?

A: For improving your credit score you should take some points under consideration. You must take care of all the bills you have to paid off in time. Also, don't open so many new accounts but keep the old ones for a long term and clear your debts always. Your credit history must also be good. This will help you increase your credit Scor rapidly.

Q: I had a credit card in past and I am paying for it continuously. Should I go with another one to improve my credit score?

A: If you are paying all your payments on time and can afford another credit card then you can go with another credit card. It can buildup your credit history and hence improves your credit score.However in this time of financial crisis its good to play only on cash.

Q: If I pay all my credit card payments well in advance, then will it helps in improving my credit score?

A: Actually, credit score is based upon debt to available credit limit ratio. It must be upto 20%-30% not more than that. If you make your debts cleared more than that then it can make bad part on your credit history. So,take care of all the advantages and disadvantages of paying in advance.

Q: I am a housewife and had a credit card which am not using for a long time. Should I keep this one or cancel it out for improving credit score?

A: If you have a credit card and you are not using it then it will be best to cancel it out. Then why are you making burden on yourself. Just clear all the debts and cancel it as it can never improve your credit score as you are not using it.


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